LORAGS Youth Project is ran from Shaftsbury Community Centre. We work with young people from the Lower Ormeau area, aged 12 – 25. We provide a place to go, to plan our own activities as well as run them. We also provide a support centre to build confidence, encourage achievement and provide new and positive experiences. We aim to support young people through a community development approach that believes in and values young people, supporting young people with personal and social development.
We will do this through:
- Group work
- Outreach
- Residentials
- One to one
- Drop In
- Needs led developmental programmes

We recognise and value the contribution young people make to their own lives and others. We want to give young people a safe place where they can explore and be supported with this.
LORAGs Youth project believes that young people should be listened to and heard, their views and experiences should be taken seriously and they should be given opportunities to participate and have a say in their lives and their community. To Register with LORAGs Youth Project or to find out more information feel free to contact Damien Brennan Youth Project co-ordinator on 02890312377 or dbrennan@lorag.org